Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hoping this will work

We don't have satellite anymore for a while so while we are blessed to have another kind of connection, it leaves a lot to be desired. I've written posts on Word and tried to publish to no avail. So, let's see what happens here.
Things are moving along nicely. I've always said, "We need someone at El Shaddai, who can take the school to the next level." It doesn't take me long to realize that what we are doing is sufficient but it could be better. Praise the Lord for Dan Joshu and Nancy Hibbard. They are the two angels God sent to help us and together the school is raising the standard!! Dan is now the principal and high school teacher although, he's got time to circulate through all the rooms and solve situations he sees that could become problems in the future. The teachers are having to toe the line! Nancy has the office looking like a real office, not only organized but she's quite an artist and everything around us is changing, all walls are becoming picturesque and colorful.
God always answers prayer, we just have to be patient while He puts everything in order to make the answer the best ever.
Dan also drives the children home at night relieving Gary of that duty. I've said so many times that Gary works non stop and he does. With the added help at school he can work on other things like, manage the generator which is constantly needed new filters due to very dirty diesel gasoline, keep the truck in tip top shape, do all the business in town, make Bible school books (and if you think that's an easy job, come down and assist him or take it from him---multiple hours of work; manage the payroll as our staff continues to get bigger and bigger in number, manage the orphanage, tell Carolyn NO we can't do that, do you know how much that would cost? Well, that's about the way it is.
Bible school is going well. We are gearing up for a big children's crusade when the team from Family Harvest gets here. They'll do two nights, and it takes tons of work behind the scenes to get this to be successful. We have a committee working on it from the Bible school. All the students are excited about it. They'll do the music and the follow up ministry with the children. We'll have tons of pics and let you know what takes place.
My six children are doing well, but we are tightening up there too. If they don't memorize addition facts to ten in the next week......they better!!!! No more work will be done until they get it. They just have two more books in the 12 week pre-reading program because they've advanced so quickly but "how much is 2 plus 5?" gets a variety of answers and I'm determined they will aprann pa ke, know it by heart.
Hope I can post some pictures. Hot Saturday night. I thought we were cooling off but it got hot again.
Be blessed! Love to all. Carolyn

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