Monday, September 21, 2009


This has been an interesting "rainy" season. It's not raining. The mountains are getting rain but not the valley. St Marc had a flood downtown the other night, no rain fell. The water from rain on the mountain, rushed down overflowing the river and main street, Grande Rue, was under water again. We heard thunder and saw lightening last night, all ran to the porch as God turned on the air conditioning, but no rain and soon our cool air died down to become a very hot night. This morning I went out to the porch in the dark, and nearly sat on Nancy, who had chosen to sleep there rather than in her room.

I'm reading a book by Mrs. C. Nuzum, The Life of Faith. She was a missionary to Mexico and the reason I bought the little book (from Billie Brim Ministries). I thought I would read about a woman's exploits in Mexico, but she doesn't really share that. This book is about faith and how to acquire it. One of her questions: Are you redeemed? Well, yes, of course. Then she asks about the curse, and her question becomes, do you have a problem with sickness, poverty, sin, etc? If so you are living under the curse. Pretty interesting and very soul searching as she carries you through all those scriptures which declare wholeness if we but walk in them. And of course, how easily we slip into those things such as murmuring, backbiting, complaining……..all of which keep us from walking in full redemption! God help us to see where we are, cry out for where we want to be. Forgive us and fix us Oh God!

We looked at a mini bus yesterday. It is a 1994, Ford, runs well, would be a great addition as we struggle getting kids home from school and getting teams from the airport. They are asking $6000, which is negotiable. Gary is going to get someone to look at it underneath. It has 170,000 miles on it, came from FL. Perhaps the Lord will provide the funds if it is truly the vehicle we should buy. More on that later as things develop. And, please pray with us about this.

Looking to have a wonderful Monday. All the kids will have books, and we should be in full swing, since our curriculum came. What an answer to prayer!!! We all agreed the curriculum would be there on Saturday and released from customs. When Gary got to Port, the mail people called him and said his stuff was being released from customs and how would he like to go to the airport and pick it up from there (which helped the Agape people to not have to lug it all the way up Delmas to our little post office). He ended up having to wait 2 and a half hours, but he got it all. The company made a very minor mistake and it won't affect our getting into full swing today.

May we trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not to our own understand, in all our ways, may we acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths today. A righteous man's steps are ordered by the Lord. Isn't that comforting. Every step I take, every move I make is ordered by HIM. Certainly leaves no room for anxiety does it? If I follow those thoughts on anxiety I would fill the page with the Word that tells us to stay away. Right now I don't have that time, but if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about being anxious, look up peace and read what the Lord has to say. And walk this day without a care because He is truly in charge of our lives!



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