Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hi Everyone, Seems these days of posting get harder and harder.  We are in the midst of being in the midst of....winding school down, gearing up for teams in May.  The weather has been so  incredibly hot we can hardly breathe. That may be a gross exaggeration but Delson came to me the other day and said, "I can't breathe right."  It's the high humidity because he's still breathing and so am I.  With rain everywhere in the country but St Marc, we tend to have to deal with  it.  And deal with it we will. 
I am finding that Facebook, emails and newsletters cause me to either be repetitive or wonder where I said what.  The Lord  has opened doors for me to speak in churches lately.  That's pretty exciting because that's what we are called to do.  The Gospel message is what we do.  All the other is wonderful and necessary but like Paul it's a woe to us if we don't (1Cor. 9:16).  This Sunday I'll be in a village that is very dark.  Please agree with me that the light of this glorious Gospel will break through the darkness and many will  come out of voodou.  By the way, we understand that the voodou people are attacking Christian churches.  Something to make a matter of prayer!  They are losing people since the earthquake and have started attacking by burning churches.  My understanding is that it's  in the Hinch area, not near us. 
Testing some picture things that may make this a better venture. I think I'm getting homesick for my little, wonderful grandchildren.
Have a blessed day!

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