Monday, February 1, 2010

OH NO!!!

With everything going on, we were shocked today. Monday and the kids were coming to school, only we just had 14 in my building. I had three in first grade. But, we commenced and everything was well until I had this urge. I can't tell you it was a word from the Lord, but now I feel like it had to have been the Holy Spirit, urging me to walk around the rooms and take a close look to see if there were any cracks in the walls. We did this right after the quake and found things to be in good order. Gary has a keen eye for this kind of thing and he declared everything was fine.

Today as I took my time and looked, it seemed there were cracks everywhere. I showed them to the staff, they seemed a little concerned and many of the cracks they'd not seen before. Gary was busy, so I got Marko, who'd painted the house in the fall. He'd know whether these cracks were there before or if they were new. We did our walk through, inspecting each one and he verified the concern. The cracks were new.

After everyone left for the day, I got Gary to look. He, Dan, and Al went through the building and declared it UNSAFE! We will not have school tomorrow or the rest of this week. We also checked outside walls and found them cracked as well. With the way buildings were falling in Port, we cannot take a chance of the cement roof coming in on the children, staff or ourselves.

We took time to look at the school wall closely and discovered it too, is much worse now since the quakes than it was. So, both buildings will be closed until a future date. There is an engineer coming on Saturday and he'll go over everything himself so we'll know what to do next.

The pictures above, speak for themselves. I kept saying St Marc didn't get anything but how many buildings are stressed and with a good jostle could come tumbling down? God forbid.

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