Monday, May 18, 2009

Hello From Wet St Marc,


We always gather on the porch when rain is coming and say, "God just turned on the air conditioning!"  For the most part it's a pleasant time except it interrupts our ability to watch Family Harvest services or do email.  But, the cool air is wonderful after a hot sticky day.  Yesterday, the rain started slowly at first, but before it was over, we were beseeching the Lord to stop it.  This was no ordinary rainy season rain. 


When our street became a river and we heard screams in the not too far distance, we began to wonder what was happening all around us, on the mountain behind us and the lower levels where the water was rushing. Being swept away in "our river" were people's belongings, and rocks from the mountainside.  As it subsided we began dealing with the aftermath.  Rose (our school cook ) was at the door, soaking wet, cold and shaken.  Her house was flooded. They'd spent the entire time, bracing the door to keep the flood waters no avail.  She told us they'd found shelter on a second level with neighbors and would spend the night there. 


This morning early, her daughter, Faona, was at our gate. Her clothes were still damp from the night before and traces of mud were all over her.  Soon after that, Antonio came to work, shaking his head as he told us that his house was gone.  That means Ronid (one of our sponsored students) is without a home.  They slept in a nearby church, which is nothing more than coconut palms and a tin roof (you can imagine how "dry" their night was).  He said, many lost their homes last night.  Samuel (one of our teachers and a pastor) came to say that his church was filled with people who lost everything although their homes were intact.  We purchased a 100 pound bag of rice and beans for Samuel to distribute to the people who found refuge in his church. 


With this kind of devastation, and a long rainy season ahead, what will happen?  God forbid any future hurricanes!  It was our area that got it this time.  The area where our orphanage is located got rain, but not the flooding, Praise the Lord.  All our other employees seem to be fine. 


We ask for your prayers, not for us but for the people who now have to try and pick up the pieces of their lives to go on until........ the next time?  

I've attached some pictures.  The child is Farona.  She had breakfast, a warm bath and then bed.  She walked in a few minutes ago and said, "If it rains tonight, can I come to your house?"  The other pictures show the mud and water everyone is dealing with now.


Love to all!

Pastor Gary and Carolyn 



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