Thursday, October 16, 2008

FINDING TIME..............

When I realize the number of days that pass before getting back to the blog, I'm amazed! There are so many pictures we want to put up for you to see, so many words to type and here it is time to go to school again. Ahh, but we have a day off tomorrow (Friday) for Dessalines Day. Kevin and I joke about this because it's not his birthday but his death day that is celebrated. Interesting to say the least. What did Dessalines do? I'll let you look that up, I don't have time but will enjoy the day off.

Our kids are doing great, Bible school is great as well. We have a lot for which to thank God daily. Dan, Jessica, Al and Bev are fine as well. Al comes to El Shaddai to help us a couple of days a week. It took him three taxi's to get here Monday. The first guy's motor scooter broke down, Al caught another; the second guy had an accident. He had no brakes and ran smack dab into the back of a truck, smashing his nose and bending the rim of the bike. Al simply got off and hailed another to get to school. Now you understand why I don't ride them!! He's young and brave. I won't say what I am.

We are rejoicing Omar went another direction and we are still working to come out from under the hurricane's effect. Nothing moves very fast here. Riding two miles is like riding ten slowing every effort to get to people.

My first graders are really smart and going very quickly in the reading program. Exciting since last year was so difficult. Our school is teaming with kids especially little ones! Jessica is leraning all about pre-schoolers. They are really comical and the neat part is she understands their Kreyol. They have a lot to say that I miss due to hearing problems. Yesterday, one of my first graders said in English as the band was practicing: That's a nice band you have there. It was so cute and bold for her to come up to me and say that. I couldn't laugh although I wanted to, so I leaned over and kissed her cheek. (By the way due to space, when the band plays we all have to listen).

I'll try to get the pictures up real soon but now school is calling. Have a blessed day and remember that the Lord's mercies are new today!


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