Monday, November 16, 2009

Exciting Monday

It was exciting because we held our first parent / teacher conference with Dan Joshu at the helm, Nancy Hibbard doing the translating……..what a team!!! We had a pretty good turn out, about 30 parents so, now they know that Pastor Gary is no longer at the helm. He is, of course, but behind the scenes and whenever you give authority to another, you back away and allow them to stretch their wings. We have prayed for so long that someone would come along and take the school to the next level. We got our prayers answered in these two people.

Did I tell you the devil sent some young boys to steal from my classroom? Well, he did and they did and now I'm without scissors and paste for the kids. Right when I was patting myself on the back for being so organized! I had decided early this year to not allow the kids to keep their scissors because they take them home, or they disappear. My remedy was to keep the scissors myself, passing them out and collecting them when they were all finished. And they were stolen from me, imagine that!!! Windows here are open, slated to keep rain out but skinny arms can reach in quite far if you are tall enough. The first time they took brand new ball caps, several. The second time, even though I moved everything out of reach (or so I thought) they got the scissors. Mind you, they were in a large plastic container, in a plastic bag. They were able to reach (really reach) get the top off the container and get in to grab. Grab what? Whatever they could grab. I had a little monkey on the ledge to see if they'd take that, they tried. But his nose was just a bit too tough to pull through. Today the monkey was turned a different way and again, his nose to tough to pull through. SO, that's the way it goes, but a board is going over the window, never mind that we won't have the light and air! I refuse to lose anything else and spend time moving things everywhere away from the shelves.

Gary is working fervently on the Bible school books. What a job! First they had to be translated, then typed, then copied, then put together. We didn't have the help we needed last year but with Gary not at school much, he's able to get the job done. He must not get weary in well doing for he will reap if he faints not!!!! As will we all.

It's still quite warm here. We think it's cooling off then it heats back up. Staying hydrated is an issue. Especially when you put your stainless steal water jar in the freezer and the frozen water pushes the bottom out of the jar! I liked that bottle too. I am trying to drink enough but the cramping in my toes tells me I'm not. Water is not the most interesting thing all the time, but it's necessary and I'm thankful for a filter so that we don't have to run to town all the time to get bottles of purified water (five gallon jugs). It's saved a bunch of time. A wonderful ultra violet light filter! Will filter anything.

I'm going to close this out for now and add some photos. Life with the Lord is wonderful. We are exceedingly blessed to be saved. How could anyone who calls themselves Christian not Praise and thank HIM for taking us out of darkness and placing us in His marvelous light. In Him is light and there is no darkness. I'm so glad to be in the Light of the Lord.

Blessings to you!!!

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